A French Teacher on the West Coast
Category: <span>Technology Competencies</span>

Miscellaneous apps for the classroom

Resources for digital storytelling or digital poetry: http://play.magneticpoetry.com/poem/original/kit http://www.piclits.com http://languageisavirus.com/visualpoetry Twine http://twinery.org   Music apps: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ (As a science teacher, can be useful to explain waves and oscillation)   Virtual reality Google Earth VR Google resources for Education using VR:  https://edu.google.com/products/vr-ar/expeditions/?modal_active=none Advantages of using VR in the classroom: Presence of …

Youtube for education (by a fellow French teacher):

Notes from an in-class presentation: youtube.com/education Has content that has been vetted classroom-appropriate. For learning languages, allows the students to hear the proper accent, and pay attention to different accents. Benefits of teaching with videos (short of physically travelling to the country): Immersion, Cognition, Motivation How to incorporate Youtube in …

Video and audio editing

Rich McCue manages the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons. He put together some straightforward tutorials to get started on audio editing and video editing. They are available under a Creative Commons licence: Introductory Workshops for Video Editing, Audio Editing, & Screen Capture